Never forget your loved one and assist in raising funds for the community cause that will provide school, sports, extracurricular activity and therapeutic many families facing cancer treatment costs may otherwise not afford.
We are all connected to cancer through friends and family -- it literally impacts every community daily. Creating an "In Memory of" page offers our families and friends a personalized space for community members to celebrate life and memories of their loved ones. Why? Flowers follow the same life cycle as human, so why not instead created a loving web page and connect to your loved one's communities so they may contribute to a worthy cancer community and family-oriented cause. How?
Just click here to create a personalized "In Memory Of" page for your loved one.
We are all connected to cancer through friends and family -- it literally impacts every community daily. Creating an "In Memory of" page offers our families and friends a personalized space for community members to celebrate life and memories of their loved ones. Why? Flowers follow the same life cycle as human, so why not instead created a loving web page and connect to your loved one's communities so they may contribute to a worthy cancer community and family-oriented cause. How?
Just click here to create a personalized "In Memory Of" page for your loved one.